“sampling and hip-hop”

HIS 390 – 11/7 class
“copyright sampling and hip-hop”

-Sampling aka stealing if you don’t do it correctly by correctly I mean getting permission from the original creator and making it your own and most importantly the new product MUSt be good

Sampling is common in music especially in Hip Hop it used to be seen as a form of flattery until it became about big business with the music industry nevertheless it is something an aspect of music that is tricky to pinpoint at times
Most people sample old songs that they heard their parents jamming to as children it is for different reasons but the ones I think make the most sense is to have the multi-generational appeal and to enjoy or vibe to the music that has a familiar sound/feel

-Data compression: shrinking music files to fit in smaller formats ex-mp3
Dynamic-much louder

HIS 390-blog for 11/12 class lecture
“The Latin Sound”

-The 20th century was the swing beat apart of all music until it was replaced with Rock in the 1950s
-Sampling Displacement
-People of Latin descent (mostly Puerto Rico and Cuba) came to America brought their style of music, aspects of their signature sound were found in pop music
-The Mambo Craze- started with Carlos Santana (a Mexican musician) who introduced the US the Latin sound
Everyone wanted to be a part of this wave by incorporating the Latin flair into their songs even Funk
-On the West Coast: Mexican-Labomba
-To me, the majority of the music that I’ve heard from the Mambo Craze sounds horrible and makes the artist appear to be fake
Almost all of it comes across as disingenuous and inauthentic
It is clear that artists of that time were attempting to follow the trend of what was seen as popular to make a hit record
In Cuban music, the guitar gets displaced by the piano
Argentina-The Tango was implemented in American music to get people to dance

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